Trademark Registration – Classification Guide Class 44 in Japan

I’ve decided to open a beauty salon and start offering various beauty services. First of all, I’ve prepared a stylish name and logo for the treatment, so I want to register it as a trademark to prevent others from imitating it.

Then you need to remember to designate Class 44, which includes “beauty services”!
Class 44 includes many beauty-related services, you know. Let’s check it out.

Considering the future expansion of services, it would be better to designate other services in Class 44, too. I wonder if I can also designate “health club services [health and fitness training]” in Class 44…? The cost is the same if they are in the same class.

Class 44 is a classification for medical and beauty services and services relating to agriculture, aquaculture or forestry

Class 44 mainly includes services relating to medical care (including for animals) , hygiene, beauty care, agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry.

Generally, you may easily understand that the services relate to human and animal health and agriculture, forestry, and fisheries.

Services included in Class 44 and NOT included in Class 44

List of main services in Class 44

The main services included in Class 44 are listed below.

These services can be designated by Amazing DX.

beauty salon services

The above list of “the main services included in Class 44” is just an example.

Let’s take a closer look at what other services are included in Class 44 and what services are not.

If you want to specify such items? (services included in Class 44)

Services related to recreation and nursing care

→When you want to specify such a service in Amazing DX®, please specify the item that the service is included.

For example, ……

Services you want to includeSelected on Amazing DX®
providing hot-spring facilities
sauna services
providing bath houses
nursing care at facilities
home-visit nursing care
nursing care

Rental of equipment and instruments

Rental of so-called medical apparatus and instruments for use in beauty salons are included.。

→When you want to specify such a service in Amazing DX®, please specify the item that the service is included.

For example, ……

Services you want to includeSelected on Amazing DX®
rental of medical X-ray apparatus
rental of ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus
rental of medical apparatus and instruments

Other services included in Class 44

→If you want to specify the services using Amazing DX®, please feel free to contact us via chat.

Services NOT included in Class 44

Services other than services for agriculture, aquaculture and forestry such as construction

              included in【Class 37

Services that alter essential nature

              included in【Class 40

Services for entertainment or recreational purposes

              included in【Class 41

I see, so “health club services [health and fitness training]” belong to another class.

Yes, you need to designate a separate class since it is a service for entertainment or recreational purposes.

File trademark application, designating services in Class 44

Class 44 includes services relating to medical care, hygiene, beauty care and agriculture, forestry and fisheries. If you are a medical practitioner or a primary industry worker, please consider Class 44 first.

Amazing DX® allows you to easily select your designated goods and services online.

First, please select as many services as possible. After the search, it is easy to exclude the services marked with “×” and search again.

If you are not sure which goods or services to select, please feel free to contact us via chat. Our attorneys specializing in trademarks will be happy to answer your questions.

Reference: Japan Patent Office, “Examination Guidelines for Similar Goods and Services (corresponding to the Nice Classification, 11th Edition, Version 2022)”.

Supervisor for the article:
大阪法務戦略部長 八谷 晃典
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