商標に関しては、特許庁などに対して様々な手続きを行うことができます。 出願手続、審判、訴訟、などなど、様々な手続への疑問についてお答えします!
Explain the form of trademark registration fee payment to be submitted to the Japan Patent Office for registration of a trademark, and how to prepare the form, along with precautions.
If you have no experience in trademark registration, it is difficult to figure out what to do to register a trademark. We will explain the main points in an easy-to-understand manner so that you can get a general idea of what to expect.
Is it safe if we obtain trademark rights in Japan...? No. If you have or are considering doing business in a foreign country, you should consider applying for a trademark in a foreign country. Here we introduce the necessity and how to do it.
This article will explain the differences between trademark right and copyright as intellectual property rights as rights related to intellectual properties. This article will also explain the cases where it is better to obtain a trademark registration for a work in addition to the protections afforded by copyright to the creator of the work.
Before registering a trademark, you may want to know how much the process will cost you. This section explains the total cost, its breakdown (official fees, attorney fees), and the contents (trademark search, application, registration).
This is a concrete explanation of how to do the application procedures for trademark registration with Amazing DX. In addition to the general trademark process, we will also give you some points on the difference between doing the procedures for trademark registration by yourself and asking a patent firm or patent attorney.
This section explains the registration fee required to obtain trademark rights. Even if the registration of a trademark is granted, the trademark right will not arise without payment of the registration fee. We will also explain how much the registration fee is required.
This guide explains how to apply for accelerated examination if you want to use your trademark right away. What kind of evidence of use should be attached to the trademark to obtain an accelerated examination?
What should I do if I find a counterfeit product in Japan? This section explains how to respond (exercise your rights) in the event of trademark infringement.