What is an electronic trademark application ?

I have decided on the trademark I want to register and the products or services I plan to use.
By the way, how do I file an application with the Patent Office?
To file an application with the Patent Office, you must first prepare an application form according to the form prescribed by the Patent Office. Once the application form is prepared, it is affixed with a patent stamp and submitted to the Patent Office.
Can I submit the application to the Patent Office by mail?
Yes. In addition to submitting your application by mail or bringing it in, you can also submit it electronically to the JPO.
The electronic application method is more difficult to set up initially, but it is convenient because you can submit your application online.

Once the trademark and designated goods/services have been decided, it is time to file the application.

In the past, documents were submitted to the JPO by mail, but now the recommended method is to file an application using the Internet application software.
Applications using the Internet application software can be filed 24 hours a day, and can be submitted from anywhere with an Internet connection.
In addition, the “electronic filing fee,” which must be paid when submitting paper documents, is not required, so it is more advantageous than submitting paper documents by mail.

Now, we will explain how to file an electronic application using the Internet filing software.

What is electronic application?

Electronic filing is the process of submitting documents to the Patent Office via the Internet.
This page explains how to file an electronic application for trademark registration via the Internet.

Electronic Application Procedures

Preparation of Internet Application Software

First, it is necessary to prepare a computer and operating system that can support the operating environment of the Internet application software.

Initial Preparation

The following preparations are required only when submitting an electronic application for the first time.

Preparation of a Digital Certificate

A digital certificate is an electronic identity document issued by a specific issuing authority or certification authority.
The JPO’s electronic application system uses electronic certificates to identify the applicant and to verify that the documents filed are those of the applicant.

Please note that the method of obtaining an electronic certificate differs for individuals and corporations.

For corporations: An electronic certificate issued by the Electronic Certificate Registry of the Ministry of Justice is required.
Please check the Ministry of Justice’s information page. (Available in Japanese.)

First Time Guide to Electronic Certificate for Commercial Registration
How to obtain an electronic certificate of commercial registration

For individuals: A digital certificate from a certification authority is required. There is also a way to use a “my number card”.

The JPO’s website also has a page titled “Electronic Filing Guide for Beginners” that explains in detail. (Available in Japanese.)

Obtaining the Internet Application Software
Once you have prepared your digital certificate, download the electronic application software.
The application software can be downloaded from the “Electronic Application Software Support Site” provided by the JPO.  (Available in Japanese.)

Applicant Registration
Once you have installed the application software, you will need to register as an Applicant User.
If this is the first time for you to file an application, you will obtain an “Identification Number” to be used for electronic filing.
An identification number is a number assigned to one applicant. If you have filed an application in the past, you may have an identification number.

You can check whether you have an Identification Number or not on the following page.


Preparation of Application Documents

Application documents are prepared in HTML format according to the JPO’s format.
The JPO’s “Electronic Filing Software Support Site” has a very convenient tool called “Quick Document Preparation” that allows you to easily prepare documents online.
It also has a function to check for errors and omissions, so we recommend that you use this method as well.

For more information on how to prepare your application, please refer to the following pages



Payment of fees

Once the documents are completed, the prescribed fee is paid to the Patent Office.

The JPO has a fee calculation system on its website, so you can easily check the fees according to the classification.

Fees can be paid in advance, by direct deposit, credit card, electronic cash payment, or cash payment.
Credit card payments have recently become available, which is very convenient.

Submission of Documents

Submit your application through the Internet application software to file your application.
Once the application is complete, the JPO will issue a receipt.
The receipt will indicate the filing date, receipt number, and application number, and the application number notified at this time will be used for future procedures.


How was the electronic application method explained above?
It seems to be quite difficult to obtain an electronic certificate and identification number in advance.
Also, it may take some time to obtain an electronic certificate after the application is submitted.

It seems difficult only the first time, but once it’s set up, it seems convenient the rest of the time.
But I don’t think I’ll have much chance to apply for it.
Yes, that’s right.
For individuals who want to skip the hassle of obtaining a digital certificate, we recommend using Amazing DX.
What kind of service does Amazing DX provide?
Amazing DX is a trademark application service available online.
Please check the following introduction.


「Amazing DX」についてもっと詳しく知りたいですか?

Supervisor for the article:
Osaka Legal Strategy Department General Manager Akinori HACHIYA
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