Trademark Filing Service via Online
+81 6-6351-4384 (Main Number)
Weekdays 8:00 am - 4:30 pm JST
This page explains the points to consider when applying for and registering a trademark consisting only of letters/characters, the difference between a logo trademark, and the "standard character" system in Japan.
Proper accounting for trademark, explaining how to make specific journal entries for expenses incurred from filing to registration of a trademark.
Selection of a class is essential for trademark registration. Classification is the classification of goods and services into categories 1 through 45. There are two main ways to find out the classification of a designated product or service, which will be introduced in this article.
Explanation of documents to be submitted to the Patent Office when filing a trademark application.
Appropriate accounting procedures in Japan for trademark rights will be explained, including how to journal and account for the costs incurred from the filing of the trademark application to the registration of the trademark.
Before registering a trademark, you may want to know how much the process will cost you. This section explains the total cost, its breakdown (official fees, attorney fees), and the contents (trademark search, application, registration).